Title: Headed For The Sky
Shim Art, Framed by artist
Size: 24x48" Total size. Frame is permanent part of artwork.
Materials: Shims, Acrylics, framing wood, finishing varnish.
Framing: Handmade by me, a permanent part of the overall artwork. Each piece is wired and ready to be hung.
I call these creations "Woodscapes." They are sculptural artworks made from wood shims, designed to highlight their three-dimensional form. Each shim is carefully hand-painted and then assembled onto a custom wood frame that I build in my small garage. I also cut, sand, and paint the frame to harmonize with the shim arrangement, ensuring that every detail contributes to a unified and balanced piece. Woodscapes are organic, modern, and abstract, yet they seamlessly complement a wide range of decorating styles, from coastal to urban.
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